Freya Gerbera / The Maid
by Metriics
Age — 31 Birthday — November 1 Gender — Demi-Girl (she/her) Height — 5'8" (~172 cm)
+ Positive
↳ Like a kind mother to her child, Freya is always one to smile and assist anyone that needs it. Even if that involves putting others' needs before her own...
↳ Generally a pleasant woman, with some exceptions, she does her best to be as calm and polite as she possibly can. She hopes to live up to her title, serving the Evergreens dutifully for as long as they'll have her.
↳ Due to her past, even at her age, Freya has an insatiable curiosity. She loves to learn new and strange things from the people she meets, usually the stranger the better.
↳ Having been a young mother, she had to grow up very fast, which meant that she had to become patient very quickly. It's also a perk of being a maid, you have to put up with so much it becomes second nature when you're like her.
- Negative
↳ Not one to talk much, so when she gets excited she often stumbles over her words or confuses herself in earnest.
↳ When confronting new people past congenial flattery, Freya often doesn't know what to say. She's the worst at small talk, and isn't really comfortable around large groups.
↳ When she has a problem of her own, it's like pulling teeth. She doesn't often let it show, and it's never information she readily gives up. Whether it's physical or emotional issues she'll keep that locked up as to not inconvenience others.
↳ Something that might not be clear from the get-go is that she can't bring herself to trust men. There are obvious exceptions to this but they make her bristle and stand up just a little bit straighter. Especially when it comes to men in positions of authority.