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Image by Tobias van Schneider
Ghanem-Durante - A.png
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Bari Ghanem-Durante / The Antiquarian
by Scraw

Age 34


Thought before Action.


+ Positive

[ Empathetic | Patient | Open-Minded ]

    As someone who likes to see the world from different angles, Bari is rather good at putting himself into other people's shoes. He understands all too well that being fallible is part of what makes us human. At the same time, he believes in the concept of treating others how you want to be treated yourself and hopes that by setting a good example at least some people will be inclined to follow it.


    Many who know him would describe him as ""having the patience of a saint"", though Bari would immediately disclaim any allegations of sainthood. He will always let others take their time, whether it be to finish what they're doing, or to get their words out in order, the latter making him a good listener as well.


    He takes in new information eagerly, always willing to learn more about how others see things and going into texts or conversations with an open mind. After all, there is so much knowledge out in the world that one person alone couldn't possibly hope to accumulate all of it - thus there will always be something new to learn and Bari is the first person to admit if there's something beyond his scope.


= Neutral

[ Cautious | Reserved | Reasonable ]

    Despite his open outlook, he is comparatively slow when it comes to fully trusting others. Bari won't always take people's word at face value, but will try to keep them in mind nonetheless - even the most outlandish stories often have a grain of truth in them after all. Even then, he won't always share his thoughts unless he deems it necessary or is asked to.


    Although he generally enjoys conversation, especially respectful discussion, he's not necessarily one to initiate it himself, preferring to let others take the lead when talking. Bari doesn't like being the center of attention and would rather watch from the sidelines instead, chiming in when he feels he has something of value to add. Also, he isn't too keen on physical contact beyond something like a handshake unless he knows the initiator.


      Bari's decision-making is more often based on rationals rather than emotions. He likes to think of himself as an objective person, albeit being aware that people (including him) get skewed by their biases all too easily. It is for this reason that he loves to hear about different view- or standpoints, to see how others think and perceive the world, so he can figure out what could be worth incorporating into his own views.


- Negative

[ Grudging | Insecure | Torn ]

    While it takes effort to wear his patience thin, once someone does cross that line it will take a lot to get back onto Bari's good side: His grudges last long, despite his 'treat others as you would yourself' attitude. However, as he prefers to avoid conflict where possible, his anger manifests quietly. As such, he will more often than not end up ignoring the person in question to the best of his ability, only interacting if he sees himself forced to - and curtly, at that.


    Underlying all this, however, is a fundamental insecurity in his own ability. Whatever Bari does, there's a part of him feeling like he could do a better job of it. He frequently doubts himself, whether it be his memory (it's not that his memory is particularly bad, he just doesn't trust it), or something he's said. Accordingly, he'll tend to remind people to take his advice with a grain of salt or feel guilty for ""rambling"" when talking for elongated periods of time.


    Not only that, but his insistence on maintaining different perspectives can leave him at a loss when it comes to making decisions, as from one angle an option may appear as the right one, while from another, it may be the complete opposite. This is especially evident when Bari is under pressure and doesn't get the time to properly think things through, where he'll often become completely lost within the possibilities until he mentally shuts down.

Birthday March 11th

Gender Male (He/Him)

Height 5'8" (173 cm)

infinity project logo v3.png


WR WEBSITE BG_painted_edited_edited.jpg



I am comfortable with (  ) participants:

  • 1 on 1, up to 3 people, up to 4 people, up to 5 people, 6 or more people


I usually write about...

  • 1-2 paragraphs, 2-5 paragraphs


I am comfortable with people who write...

  • 1-2 sentences, 1-2 paragraphs, 2-5 paragraphs, More than 5 paragraphs



When it comes to violent situations, I am comfortable with:

  • Verbal Arguments, Miniscule Violence (Paper Cuts, Accidental Elbow to the Face, etc.), Mild Violence (Punching, Kicking, Hair Pulling), Strong Violence (Stabbings, Bone Breaking, Lasting Injury)


If you are going to do something violent, please...

  • Talk to me about it first.


My dear, lost butterfly; should you ever lose your way, remember this:

you must always look. closer.

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