General Questions
Q. Do I need to be familiar with the inspiration source?
↳ It's not required. However it is preferable that you at least look into them to familiarize yourself with the source. The inspiration comes from mainly the aesthetics and overlying themes that influence the story. However, as long as you've read through our Group Setup, you'll be fine.
Q. How many characters will there be?
↳ Anywhere from 20-25 player characters will be accepted at a time (not including mod characters). Including mod characters brings the total up to 28 player characters. NPCs won't be counted towards this as there will be mod-controlled NPCs and NPCs specific to player characters (if desired). Player characters will only be allowed one NPC as a plus one.
Q. There's no more space for player characters but I'm interested in joining. What can I do?
↳ All we can suggest is to sit tight! There is a spectator role in the server so you can enjoy the story with the rest of us until space opens up. Please refer to Reserving & Joining for more information on member invitations..
Q. How will events be scheduled?
↳ Story-driven events will happen roughly every two weeks. The starting date will usually be Friday and the projected end date will be Sunday. A calendar will be made available to showcase the tentative schedule for an entire chapter at the time of the opening being over. Please note that the group will function primarily off of CST - Central Standard Time-zone. We will try to accommodate everyone as best as we can!
Q. How active do I need to be?
↳ Well, settings like this are only really enjoyable when everyone's participating. That being said, you don't have to be glued to the group every waking moment either. All that's asked of you is to have consistent activity (talking in general channels and roleplaying with others), especially when important things are happening so events run smoothly. Otherwise, inactive characters will be killed off if they sit idle for too long. If you are only participating in events and nothing else, you may receive an activity warning from a mod. Engagement is valued!
Q. I want to leave the group/drop to Spectator. How do I do that?
↳ Sorry to see you go! Just let the mods know that you plan on leaving (out of courtesy) and your characters will be written off as soon as you want them to be out of the story. Please note that if you drop down to Spectator or leave the group, you will need an invitation from a member or a mod to rejoin in the future.
Q. I'm a new member/returning member after having sat out of a chapter, how do I catch up?
↳ All major events will be summarized and available on our chapter summary pages. It's highly recommended you read through those to catch up on the story! Red Truths will contain important details that have been discovered as well.
Q. Are past roleplays logged and available to read?
↳ We'll only be logging the roleplays for major events and those logs will be made available in Player Resources. Any free-time or private roleplay will have to be logged on your own accord.
Character Creation
Q. Is on-base art allowed for my character reference?
↳ Yes, that's fine! Just be sure that credit is given to the creator of the base.
Q. Can our characters have naturally occurring unnatural hair/eye colors? Should anything unnatural looking be dyed/contacts? (Essentially, is there anime logic?)
↳ Naturally occurring unnatural hair/eye colors are fine. Go crazy, go stupid, go feral. The only thing that's asked of you is to not have anything like natural rainbow hair or eyes. Also, colors that change with their mood are prohibited.
Q. Is there some kind of dress code for the event guests and/or staff?
↳ There's no dress code for the guests. Staff are expected to wear mostly muted colors with accents of forest green or brown. Attire should be semi-formal or business casual at least. Evergreen Family Members should be in formal attire. Staff and Family will have the Evergreen crest somewhere on their clothes in the form of a pin. Gold pins are reserved for the immediate family members while bronze pins are for employees. The crest can be found here.
Q. How do characters get invited to the project? Should we DM the head mod to figure that out beforehand?
↳ There are many different reasons for someone to get invited and how. It's something that'll be left up to you to decide unless you have questions about a specific example. It won't be a major point for the character unless it's made into one. It should also be noted that family members and staff won't necessarily receive an invitation. They're expected to be there as it is hosted at the Evergreen's estate.
Q. Is it okay to join with characters that are connected/know each other (e.g. siblings or partners)?
↳ That is perfectly acceptable! Pre-established relationships even between normal guests are encouraged to help familiarize yourself with everyone else.
Q. Can I have more than one character?
↳ No. Everyone gets one player character. Mods will have up to two player characters. You can say your character brought someone with them as an NPC (and submit an NPC app for them) but they'll only be around until The Witch's Roulette starts. The NPC shouldn't be actively played either. They can be mentioned in relation to the active character.
Q. Can I switch my character out if I'm not happy with them?
↳ Yup! You'll be allowed to swap out your character in between games if you want. However, your previous characters will still be considered present for the story. They just won't be played "on-screen" and like character-specific NPCs, they won't be involved once The Witch's Roulette starts.
Q. How do the points for the Witch's Blessings work?
↳ The points for those stats work like a point-buy system! You start with three. You can buy one 3 point ability for a blessing, one 2 point ability, and one 1 point ability, or three 1 point abilities. Having a 3 point ability does not mean you'd get every ability for that blessing. You also cannot stack abilities in the same blessing. For example, you can't have both the 1 point ability and the 2 point ability in Magic; you would have the 3 point ability for putting 3 points into Magic.
Roleplay Questions
Q. Are all previous games canon, meaning permadeath?
↳ All games are canon! However, there is no permadeath. As revealed in Chapter 0, everyone is currently trapped within a never-ending loop of the same few days that can last up to a couple weeks before resetting back to the start.
Q. If I'm new or absent for a chapter, how does that affect my character?
↳ Absent characters are considered to be a part of the "missing guests" when the game officially begins. It's assumed everyone is always present from the start; they are just in the background. Everyone starts fresh at the beginning of a new chapter so it's easy to slot in without confusion.
Q. Is it possible to have my character be The Witch?
↳ Yes! The head mod will take applications for the role of the Witch at the start of each chapter. The character that best fits with the narrative of the story will be chosen and further details will be discussed with the selected individual.
Q. Will there be multiple Witches?
↳ At the same time, no. But there will be multiple witches across the games as a whole. The plan is to have four Witches in total.
Q. What can I do if my character is in danger of being killed by the Witch?
↳ Well! There's a blessing or two that can help you out with that. Otherwise: if any player characters are up for being sacrificed by the Witch, there will be a discussion with all involved parties. The mods will speak for the Witch and relay any information to them. Collectively, the outcome will be decided based on what would be more enjoyable for the story. Be a good sport about it!
Q. Is Player versus Player prohibited?
↳ Not at all! This is actually encouraged. You're more than welcome to have your character take matters into their own hands. It'll function similarly to when the Witch attempts to sacrifice someone. Discussion with the involved parties will take place and the most enjoyable outcome will be decided on. Contact the head mod to initiate anything of the sort.
Q. Can character death happen randomly or unexpectedly?
↳ The short answer is yes, especially when wandering through a dangerous area such as the Forest. However, unless you receive a devastating roll (such as a 1)— you'll usually have some sort of forewarning and be given options on how to wiggle out of it.
Q. My character died! What's next for me?
↳ Don't worry, you won't have to sit around and twiddle your thumbs until it's all over. The Tea Party phase, mentioned in Group Setup, is actually for the deceased characters. They'll have their own segment of events to play through and investigate. >:)c
Q. Will our characters keep their memories?
↳ No. Your characters won't remember the events of previous games or loops but you're welcome to vaguely allude to them as long as they don't entirely steer a direction of your character. They're no more than vague inclinations now. Currently, there is no plan to have the characters regain those memories in its entirety.