General Rules
Group Rules
YOU MUST BE 18+ TO BE PART OF THIS GROUP — There are no exceptions to this rule and minors will be removed. Lying about your age will result in being banned from the server.
TREAT OTHERS WITH RESPECT — Please be respectful to everyone and refrain from bringing drama into the server from either another server or DMs. If there is an issue, please contact one of the mods.
YOUR PERSONAL LIFE COMES FIRST ALWAYS — If something occurs and you are unable to keep up with the group or you'll be unavailable for a period of time, that's more than okay! Please take care of yourself first and foremost. All we ask is that you let us know beforehand so we can figure out a game plan from there. Never be afraid to take a step back if needed.
ON INACTIVITY — We are more than willing to accommodate busy schedules. However, long periods of unwarranted inactivity will result in a warning first. If it persists, you will be demoted to Spectator and your character will be killed off.
ON LEAVING — If you decide you'd like to no longer be a member of the group, please inform one of the mods as soon as you can. Please do not abruptly leave without any word. This will result in being banned from the server.
ON RULE-BREAKING — Every situation is unique and can be handled differently. There is no three strikes, you're out system. Depending on the severity of the situation, you can and will be removed from the group without warning.
Discord Rules
AVOID SENSITIVE TOPICS — Discussions pertaining to political, religious, and other sensitive topics must be kept at the bare minimum. Your views are respected but we'd like to avoid uncomfortable situations. Please refer to the running censored and banned topic list within the server.
NO EXCLUSIONS — Do not exclude other members from conversations or role-playing.
BE COURTEOUS — Please do not post over people, especially when it comes to sharing art or writing. Acknowledge ongoing conversations or what someone has sent before you.
NO SPAM, ADVERTISING, OR MASS MENTIONING — This includes mentioning member roles (unless given direct permission), sending the same message repeatedly, sending many gifs or images repeatedly, sending long strings of emojis repeatedly, or copypastas. Please do not advertise other servers here either.
NO NSFW IN PUBLIC — Keep anything NSFW-related out of the public channels. There is an optional NSFW role that members can opt into and gain access to a channel meant for those topics.
ON VENTING — We're a friendly group of people and we're here to support you during tough times. However, please remember that this is a role-play group and we are not therapists. Please don't overdo it.
SHARING ART — #wr_art-box can be used to share any group related art! #misc_art-box can be used to share any unrelated artwork or miscellaneous doodles, sketches, etc. Please be sure to acknowledge any artwork shared before you!
ART COMMENTARY — You can respond to artwork by creating a thread off of something someone has sent. Please set the auto-archive time to 1 hour. No longer than that.
Role-Play Rules
BE A TEAM PLAYER — Your character has a chance of dying, losing their memory, and losing their autonomy throughout the story. Please be prepared for that.
MATURE CONTENT WARNING — This role-play will explore mature content without censor. In particular, the group will contain instances of gore, blood, and violence against characters. There is no requirement to censor any related content within role-plays. However: if someone expresses explicit discomfort with something, please respect their wishes. ERP is not allowed in any public role-play.
DON'T RUIN THE MYSTERY — Exchanging plot-relevant information or other important secrets in private (and publicly) is strictly prohibited. The only time this is acceptable is if it's done in character. Deliberate cheating will result in removal from the group. This rule extends to Spectators. You are not allowed to share information with active members under any circumstances.
ON OOC SLEUTHING — This is extremely discouraged! It sits on the fine line of sharing information privately so please make sure that any debates or exchanges that'll help piece things together are done in character. Please do not DM members asking them to share what they know either.
DON'T HOARD INFORMATION — While investigating in private is allowed, please don't make it a habit to exclusively investigate privately! We want to encourage as much public and group interaction as possible. That being said: in group investigations, be conscious of letting other people have a chance to find things!
NO OOC IN RP CHANNELS — Please keep it to the bare minimum (mentioning role-play partners if necessary). Do not have a commentary in the RP channel itself.
STARTING GROUP RPS — Public channels are available of the main areas on the map; any of them can be used to start a thread. Please set the auto-archive time to 3 days or less. 1 week will only be used for event role-plays. Do not start private threads in the public channels. More information can be found in Group Setup.
ON NPCS — NPCs are not to be played actively by members and only serve to fill out the party and/or background for active characters. The only active NPCs will be the ones played by the head mod.
Godmodding refers to doing something impossible or outside of your character’s control. Their reactions and responses to things should be within the realm of reason. If someone throws a punch at your character, don’t say it misses just because you don’t want your character to get hurt. Keep it realistic.
Metagaming refers to a situation where your character knows something they shouldn’t. Keep your knowledge and your character’s knowledge separate. Your characters also aren’t aware of the mechanics of the RP. Do not break the fourth wall.
Powerplay refers to a player taking control in some way shape or form of a character that doesn’t belong to them. You can only control the actions of your own character. This is the other side of godmod. If you throw a punch at another character, don’t assume it hits or how much it’ll hurt the other player. That’s for your partner to decide.
Retconning is when you retroactively decide to "undo" or change previous events or actions involving your character. Miniscule details aren't too important and will be looked over. If there is a misunderstanding in a post that would significantly affect the RP, that should be addressed with the other participants before the next post is made. There may be special circumstances where a mod allows this, but it will be rare and usually because the event or action shouldn't have happened the way it did, to begin with.
Spectator Etiquette
FOLLOW THE RULES — This should go without saying but all spectators are required to follow the Group, Discord, and applicable Roleplay rules that are available above. If there are any specific questions regarding this, you're more than welcome to ask any of the mods. Please use #questions or #those-who-watch to do so.
DON'T RUIN THE MYSTERY — This is the rule that takes the most priority for spectators. Exchanging plot-relevant or other information in private (and publicly) is strictly prohibited. You're welcome to talk among yourselves in #those-who-watch but you cannot discuss anything of it with the active members or in any other channel.
NO OOC SLEUTHING — Please do not message active members with the intention of giving them hints—let them connect the dots on their own. I would also like to ask that you don't message them about things regarding important information such as character secrets, the witch, etc. If needed, you're welcome to ask the Lorekeepers for clarification on something that's happening within the chapter. Any spectator sleuthing must be contained to #those-who-watch alone.
ACTIVITY IS KEY — If you're wanting to potentially join in the future, your activity and engagement will be the first thing we look at! Barring Chapter Anima's new member process, the only way spectators will be able to join as an active member is through an invite-only system. These invites work as an honor system and count as vouchers that can be handed out from current members or even mods. More information on this can be found in Reserving & Joining.
STEPPING DOWN — If you were previously an active member but had to step down to spectator, you will have to undergo the same process as any other spectator to rejoin as an active member. However, previous members will have more likelihood to be invited back into the group from one of the mods. You're more than welcome to talk to any of the mods about wanting to rejoin for future chapters.
NO THREE STRIKES — If at any point there becomes an issue with either poor conduct or information being leaked from spectators, viewing privileges will be revoked. Please be a good sport about the group and its content! The idea is to allow people both involved directly and indirectly to learn about the story at the same time.