If you’re interested in joining, it is required that you read through the following pages:
Story (specifically the Premise)
These pages will answer a lot of immediate questions and help you get familiarized with the group.
There are no exceptions.
Join the Discord & Reserve
Go through the steps on the Character Guide to get your character ready for the group.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask the mods in the #questions channel on Discord. Have a backstory ready for your character as well! You won't need to have it written out entirely but major key points or a summary to submit would suffice. The head mod will discuss it with you if there are any questions once you've submitted your character; this will be done with a private character channel in the server. The more the merrier! Fleshed out backstories allow for it to be integrated into the story a lot more fluidly. Who knows, maybe you'll even see some easter eggs show up every so often.
As mentioned in the guide, the only required artwork is a full-body reference and a head-shot, but more is always welcome! While cropping the full body for the headshot is fine, it's not preferred. Some variety would be appreciated. Despite not being required, it would also be helpful to include any external references of important/key features such as tattoos, scars, piercings, jewelry, and so on. When writing your character, please do not use harmful caricatures/stereotypes or anime tropes (yandere, tsundere, etc.).
After everything is all done and good to go, use the Player Character Submission Form to submit your character!
If there are any issues, the mods will contact you about it and discuss them. It's recommended to save a copy of your answers just in case you'd like to adjust things before the decision-making. Otherwise, that's it! You'll just have to sit tight until the acceptance list is released.
In order to join as a player, there will always be two things to keep in mind: available slots and invitations.

The group's available slots are going to be very limited for the foreseeable future which means the mods are going to be rather selective about who is invited and accepted as players. There is a hard cap of 25 members that'll be accepted (excluding the mods). However, this doesn't mean we'll be looking to fill every slot as soon as we can.
If you were once a player that has stepped down to spectator, you will need to undergo the same process as any other spectator and receive an invitation to be considered for rejoining. As long as you keep up engagement with the server, a mod may extend their invite to those wanting to come back.
Invitations are required to be considered for joining. If there is no invitation, we will not accept a reservation. These serve as an honor/voucher system. Technically speaking, every active member will be able to make use of one invite per opening. The invitations vouch for the invited person's commitment and activity to the group.
Every invitation cannot be accepted, however, due to the constraints with available slots so invitations would need to be discussed with the mods beforehand.
The priority of which invitations are accepted will be determined mostly by server activity! It's preferable that if someone plans on joining the group, they'd join the server and engage with everyone to show their interest. If the mods have to decide between an invite for someone who has been frequently talking in the server versus an invite for someone who hasn't said much of anything since they joined, the one that's more active will likely be accepted.
Those with an accepted invitation will receive a role within the server to separate them from the spectators.
How to Join
First and foremost, join our Discord! That's where all of the excitement is.
The invite link can be accessed from the home page of the website or by clicking here. When you join, please follow the instructions posted in the #welcome channel to receive the spectator role and gain access to the rest of the server. There you can talk with current members, other spectators, and the mods. Feel free to ask any questions as needed!
If there is no introduction made within three days of joining, you will be removed from the server. Please be sure to review our discord rules over at General Rules.
Next, scroll down to our reservations and reserve your character using the provided form!
Reservations can only be made if you are a member of the server and have an invitation from a current player. These are required to be considered in the joining process. Character submissions will not be reviewed if there wasn't a reservation made for them first. Please note that reservations do not guarantee acceptance. More information can be found below.
Character Creation & Submission
Member Invitations
i literally don't know what i did to break the counter so hard on the site, so just pretend it's intentional. thx.
Before submitting a reservation, please make sure to familiarize yourself with the group's premise at the very least. You can find this information on the Story page. To place a reservation, you may fill out our Reservation Submission Form. The website will be updated periodically to reflect new reservations.
You must be a member of the group's discord to submit a reservation. You can join the discord here!
When submitting your reservation, please have the following information prepared:
Character Name (Full name preferably)
Character Gender
Title (One or two-word descriptor / "role", such as something like "The Chef")
Member Referral (Username of the member that invited you)
Please be mindful of similar or identical names to other characters.
If you're struggling with the title, think about how your character would be defined. Titles are a staple in classic murder mystery and you're welcome to think of it like how talents were in Danganronpa. Just know that these are not extraordinary talents. We will not allow any titles that are things like "The Killer" or similar in nature nor will we allow duplicate titles.
Please know: reserving a character does not guarantee your acceptance into the group!
Click here for the full list of reservations for Chapter Anima!