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Image by Tobias van Schneider
des Roches.png

Caspian des Roches / The Librarian
by Icarus

Age 24


+ Positive

Polite / Passionate / Reflective

    In general, most people who approach Caspian will be easily met with an amiable and welcoming demeanor. Though Caspian isn't necessarily a bubbly social butterfly, they make clear efforts to be courteous, and they're happy to offer help whenever they're able if asked kindly. Still, make no mistake—their usual politeness doesn't keep them from speaking their mind as they see fit.


    Cas is also a rather introspective individual who, at least for the most part, has an organized way of thinking and makes a point of reflecting on past situations to get a better understanding of themself and the circumstances around them. They're hard-working once they've truly set their mind to something, putting all their heart into not only their goals but their emotions and beliefs, as well.


= Neutral

Confrontational / Sarcastic / Private

    Caspian is never really one to hold their tongue when they feel slighted, and on the occasions they do it’s never for long. Their expressions of anger aren’t intended to cause fear or for catharsis, but rather a conscious attempt to make their feelings heard and understood; Nonetheless, their words can be blunt and harsh, so the result depends on the situation.


    Their sense of humor usually leans towards the sarcastic or deadpan, but closer friendships may show a more teasing and light-hearted side of their personality. It can take a while to reach this point, though—Cas, while certainly approachable, highly values their privacy and takes time to open up past surface-level friendships.


- Negative

Distrustful / Irritable / Cynical

    While their anger isn't quite the blind rage you may expect, there's still no denying that Caspian's fuse is on the shorter side. They're impatient and prone to quick irritation, especially when they believe someone is being unnecessarily disrespectful.


    Aside from that, beyond their mostly well-adjusted exterior lies surprisingly strong fears that tend to color their view of others somewhat cynically. Under the internal pretense of guarding themself against ill intentions, Cas is quick to jump to conclusions and tends to assume the worst of those around them. They're an overall distrustful person who dislikes risking vulnerability and, as such, they would rather rely on themself than put faith in another to have their best interests in mind. At times, this can also lead to them acting selfishly; They do prefer to help others too if possible, but if they believe a choice must be made, they're more likely to prioritize their own well-being over a stranger's.

Birthday November 23rd

Gender Non-Binary (They/He/She)

Height 5'7" (170 cm)

infinity project logo v3.png


WR WEBSITE BG_painted_edited_edited.jpg



I am comfortable with (  ) participants:

  • 1 on 1, up to 3 people, up to 4 people, up to 5 people


I usually write about...

  • 1-2 paragraphs, 2-5 paragraphs, More than 5 paragraphs, A few pages


I am comfortable with people who write...

  • 1-2 sentences, 1-2 paragraphs, 2-5 paragraphs, More than 5 paragraphs, A few pages



When it comes to violent situations, I am comfortable with:

  • No Violence at all, Verbal Arguments, Miniscule Violence (Paper Cuts, Accidental Elbow to the Face, etc.), Mild Violence (Punching, Kicking, Hair Pulling), Strong Violence (Stabbings, Bone Breaking, Lasting Injury), Beyond Violence (Torture or more)


If you are going to do something violent, please...

  • Talk to me about it first.

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