Celeste Weaslewood / The Daydreamer
by Zeria
Age — 22
+ Positive
+ [Optimistic, Friendly, Creative, Honest]
↳ A positive, and yet a flaw all in itself. For some it is a choice, for Celeste it is simply them. Perhaps they hold it all in their hair. Or maybe they simply believe that even in rougher times the sun will come out the next day?
They seem to often have a golden retriever sense of energy and excitement when they meet new people. Although they try to dial it back, they want to become friends with others. Perhaps it is the loneliness speaking to them? Or maybe just a wish to connect with others.
Although it may not be the most conventional with how they handle things, they do try to think up fun and interesting ways to go about it. From making up games with others, to coming up with odd yet fun suggestions when people are stumped on what to do. They tend to fancy themself a bit of a problem solver.
Not one for lies they tend to tell people what they see, to tell them the truth. To believe in others is to believe in yourself. By hiding things you only create more arguments and issues, but by sharing your honesty it could make others open up. Or perhaps that is simply what The Daydreamer tends to think.
= Neutral
= [Curious, Unorganized, Adventurous, Superstitious]
↳ Curiosity killed the cat, and yet satisfaction brought them back. They do tend to stick their nose where it doesn’t belong. Often wondering what may be going on and acting on their impulsive thoughts to see what may be happening. They often wonder about if things were real and not real. A curiosity of people, ideas, and even superstitions that they believe in.
They do as well tend to be very unorganized. Losing things they might have brought with them. Every artist has their flaws after all. A method or rhyme for what they do. But they do tend to make messes of places they are in. Misplacing items and putting them in other spots. Taking their room apart to look for stuff more and yet simply making the unorganized messes worse.
The Daydreamer always dreams of going on adventures. Of experiencing the unknown, of finding fairies and unicorns in the woods, of traveling around and seeing things about their world that are beautiful in their own right. Leaping onto any chances they get to go on small adventures with the ones they are around.
And yet some things tend to hold them back, stop them in their tracks. One of the few things they really tend to be careful about, to take their time with. You will never see them step on a crack in the road, nor lift up a coin on the wrong side. Small common rituals they do to avoid bad luck. A fascination and fear seems to take hold of them when it comes to what they think is supernatural. Even if it does make them take a tad longer with things, they tend to take at least this aspect of their life with a bit more seriousness.
- Negative
- [Absent-Minded, Transparent, Impulsive, People-pleaser]
↳ They try to be friendly, to keep their mind on others. And yet sometimes people's emotions go over their head. People’s feelings tend to fade out for them as they are focused on what they are doing instead. And other times this forms as them spacing out and daydreaming, or getting distracted by the things they are around. Many things can cause conversations and important rules and thoughts to slip over their head.
And their face seems to tell it all. They space out, feel bad, feel happy. All of it seems to be shown through their body even if it isn’t said out loud. They seem to be unable to even control how they move during these times. Stiffer when more nervous, louder when excited, quieter and almost more meek when sad. They seem to show every feeling they have through their face and body language. Some could say they are an open book. Others may say a painting is on display.
One of the more risky things with them is their impulse. They rarely ever fully think things through. Often running around without a care in the world. Blind to the consequences their actions may end up having. If they want to do something, they don’t think about what will happen. Often running off the first thoughts they have instead of thinking it through further.
And even then they try to make others happy. A smile on someone's face is far better even if they themself are not smiling. Perhaps it is a fear of rejection from the people they are around. A fear of being left out? They try when they are around others though to lift them up. To make sure they are happy even if it is at their very own expense. You want more friends too don’t you?
Birthday — December 3rd
Gender — Nonbinary (they/them)
Height — 6'1" (185 cm)
I am comfortable with ( ) participants:
1 on 1, up to 3 people, up to 4 people, up to 5 people, 6 or more people
I usually write about...
1-2 paragraphs, 2-5 paragraphs, More than 5 paragraphs, A few pages
I am comfortable with people who write...
1-2 paragraphs, 2-5 paragraphs, More than 5 paragraphs, A few pages
When it comes to violent situations, I am comfortable with:
Verbal Arguments, Miniscule Violence (Paper Cuts, Accidental Elbow to the Face, etc.), Mild Violence (Punching, Kicking, Hair Pulling), Strong Violence (Stabbings, Bone Breaking, Lasting Injury)
If you are going to do something violent, please...
Talk to me about it first.