Tooru Hoshiumi / The Romantic
by hoshiumies
Age — 23
+ Positive
Adaptable - Thoughtful - Elegant - Imaginative
The desire to live in a world as beautiful as the one in your dreams; the hope that those around you are never met with misfortune, and that they will always be kind; the want to not only do, but be good. …Tooru Hoshiumi is the canvas on which you write those wishes.
Tooru tries to emulate the things he knows to be good in life. To this extent, he plucks and lines his words carefully; his ones and twos and A's and Bees pollinate a floret called empathy, his tone always gentle in a way he has known only flowers to be. Eager to please others, he has an intelligent mind that complements his graceful demeanour, befitting the romanticized image of a sophisticated man born into wealth.
Though his background is opulent in nature, Tooru's desires are simple: he would like, if possible, to live in a world where everyone could be just a little bit kinder. Because even if Tooru doesn't believe in a universe that cares, he nevertheless still believes in people who do.
The truth, plainly, is this: Tooru's life has always been a continuous thread of hurt.
And the only thing he has ever wanted to do with that thread was mend with it.
= Neutral
Sociable - Passive - Stubborn - Restrained
Coinciding with his beliefs, Tooru enjoys talking to others and learning about their life stories. Ironically, Tooru is also a very passive person, only taking the initiative to approach people if he absolutely must; he can hold a conversation just fine, but unless the scenario is life-or-death, he'd much rather keep to himself. His phone contacts list is … hilariously non-existent as a result of this.
Adding onto that, Tooru isn't good at standing up for himself. He'd much rather take the hit than exacerbate a confrontation further than necessary, believing himself to be tough enough to endure it. Inversely, Tooru will stand up against someone if they are being combative towards someone he cares for, even if said friend was objectively wrong in the situation. Tooru has a habit of sticking to something if he really believes in it, oftentimes leading to situations where he embarrasses himself whenever it turns out that his judgement was incorrect. All of this is taken in relative stride, however. Tooru doesn't let things visibly deter him, and he often holds his tongue so as to maintain his image as a distinguished member of society. While this means conflicts involving him are resolved relatively easily, it also means that Tooru never truly speaks his mind.
- Negative
Catastrophizing - Evasive - Gullible - Self-Loathing
Loathing low thing, all roiling rage and rancid ran-coeur, the one thing Tooru despises the most in this world is himself. He always deflects conversations should the topic pertain to his origins and interests, choosing instead to talk about the other person's wants and needs. He is incapable of making a decision for himself, often relying on others to influence or even make his choices for him. It almost seems as if Tooru Hoshiumi wishes to be anybody else other than who he sees in the mirror; always envying those around him and coveting to be what he is not.
Additionally, The Romantic's pessimistically distrusting mindset leads to him catrastrophizing situations in his head. Almost everything has to have a worst-case scenario, and Tooru naturally assumes that if he is involved, then surely things spiral towards that outcome due to his burden of a presence.
This need to make everything right leads to Tooru becoming a controlling person in stressful environments. He is easily frustrated when he is unable to solve something himself, lamenting that it'd be better if those around him would listen only to his words. The worse a situation gets, the more Tooru begins to crack under the pressure. It is to this degree that Tooru becomes extremely self-sacrificial, neglecting his health if it means he can make things right for everyone else.
Tooru's philosophy of kindness being a choice and his need to shoulder every hardship by himself makes him prone to beguilement. Even if he feels as if he is being lied to, he will nevertheless accept what the other has to say. To Tooru, there is no greater power than having lived a life where no one's ever believed you, only to have someone extend that warm hand and tell you that they do. The decision to allow himself to be fooled by pretty words is one made without hesitation nor fear—and if the only sacrifices made in this transaction are his own feelings, then so be it.
Birthday — June 20th
Gender — Male (he/him)
Height — 5'2" (157 cm) / 5'3" (161 cm) in heels
I am comfortable with ( ) participants:
1 on 1, up to 3 people, up to 4 people, up to 5 people
I usually write about...
1-2 sentences, 1-2 paragraphs, 2-5 paragraphs, More than 5 paragraphs
I am comfortable with people who write...
1-2 sentences, 1-2 paragraphs, 2-5 paragraphs, More than 5 paragraphs
When it comes to violent situations, I am comfortable with:
No Violence at all, Verbal Arguments, Miniscule Violence (Paper Cuts, Accidental Elbow to the Face, etc.), Mild Violence (Punching, Kicking, Hair Pulling), Strong Violence (Stabbings, Bone Breaking, Lasting Injury), Beyond Violence (Torture or more)
If you are going to do something violent, please...
Talk to me about it first.